Mission Statement

Our Mission and Vision

Jeunes de St-Camille’s Mission is to empower youth, families and individuals toward a better well-being.

Our Vision is of a community enhanced by the collective success of our youth and families.


The intent of Regroupement des Jeunes de St-Camille Inc. is to assist in the correction of social malfunctioning of their clients to enable them to live their lives as productive members of our community, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, more specifically:

  • To provide individual and group counselling and guidance utilizing family and community resources;
  • To encourage continuing education;
  • To assist clients in obtaining employment and career guidance;
  • To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives

All youth, family, and adult clients will be treated with support, compassion, dignity, respect, and care. Their culture, ethnicity, and religion will be valued and respected. Within the context of any collaborative investigative process and relevant legal principles, confidentiality will be respected.

Do you need help?


Get more info on available support services through the My Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) program or visit our Community Programs section to find out more.


Reach out to the Kids Help Phone if you need urgent help or need to talk to someone right now.

Kids Help Phone:


Suicide Line:

1-833-456-4566 or text: 45645

Crisis Line:



Dial 211

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