Jeunes de St-Camille offers both Youth and Adult based community programs. As a designated French Language Service Provider, all of our programming is bilingual and can be offered in French or English.
Our Programs
Mandatory Attendance Program
- Initiated in January of 2004, MAP is a resource offered at our Attendance Centre and has been an integral part in our community, providing services to over 1,200 youth and their families.
- A full-time program coordinator is assisted, as required, by a roster of in-house support specialists in designing and implementing co-ed, individualized cognitive/behavioural services, addressing targeted risk areas for referred young people between the ages of 12 and 17. The young person and the parents actively contribute to the development of a specific plan of care.
- Referrals are forwarded by Probation Services and the Youth Mental Health Services as part of the Youth Justice Committee and the Crown Attorney as part of the Conferencing Program process.
For more information about MAP, contact Chris Villeneueve [email protected] 613-933-6362 x110
Adult Community Service Order Program
- Initiated January 2013 as per the contractual agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
- Referrals reflect court-ordered sentences with a condition to complete an established amount of community service.
- Referrals are directed to the Community Justice Worker by the adult probation officer.
- The Community Justice Worker arranges work placements for clients in a timely manner.
- The Community Justice Worker interviews clients to assess their skills, abilities and suitability for particular placement settings.
- The Community Justice Worker monitors client progress and provides monthly reports to Probation Services.
- The Community Justice Worker makes such contacts as necessary to acquire new work placements to ensure that the program has capacity beyond the current year.
- The Community Justice Worker ensures and maintains case records, program promotion, placement development and compilation of statistics.
- The Community Justice Worker facilitates informative workshops as part of an educational initiative.
For more information about CSO contact:
Kelly O’Farrell [email protected] 613-933-6362 x114
Elisa Tardiff [email protected] 613-933-6362 x120
Strive Program
- Initiated in April 2022, funded by the Ministry of Health.
- This program offers direct support to children, youth and their families who have been identified as having significant and complex mental health challenges.
- Referrals are from L’Équipe psycho-sociale and the Cornwall Community Hospital.
- The Intensive Services Clinician and the Family Mental Health Support Worker collaborate in facilitating assessments, treatment planning, therapeutic interventions, and other strategies such as counselling, guidance, coaching, advocacy, parenting/coping skills and education, both in-home and in various community settings.
For more information about Strive:
Dominique Boisvenue [email protected] 613-933-6362 x103
Youth Mental Health Court Worker
- Initiated in SD&G in December 2011, initiated in Prescott-Russell in 2016
- The Youth Mental Health Court Worker (YMHCW) program provides support to the Youth Court for situations where there is a mental health concern.
- The YMHCW establishes/maintains contact with community-based services to divert young people with serious mental health needs in conflict with the law to community-based mental health resources and services.
- In collaboration with the young people, case workers, mental health service providers, members of the justice system, key individuals and other community-based services, the program facilitates the development of an individualized plan that will address the mental health needs of a young person at key intervention points in the judicial process.
- The YMHCW will expedite referrals to the mental health system to minimize involvement in the criminal justice system.
- Referrals are voluntary, and can be made at any time throughout the court process. Referral sources include the Crown Attorney, Duty Counsel, Defence Counsel, Probation Services, school authorities, service providers and family members.
For more information about our YMHCW programs:
SD&G – contact Véronique Laflèche [email protected] 613-933-6362 x111
Prescott-Russell – contact Zachery Maloney [email protected] 613-933-6362 x113
Day Treatment Program
- Initiated in September 2004 at the request of the Upper Canada District School Board.
- Formerly known as Section 23, this specialized school program is aimed at “hard to serve” young people in grades 9 to 12, who have with social, emotional and behavioural needs that are impeding their progress in regular academic settings.
- The program is a joint venture as per the contractual agreement between Regroupement des Jeunes de St-Camille Inc. and the UCDSB. Jeunes de St-Camille receives funding for their participation from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
- The UCDSB provides a qualified special education teacher to support the delivery of academic courses in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum. Regroupement des Jeunes de St-Camille Inc. provides educational/clinical management as well as a full-time Educational Support Worker in the implementation of the care and treatment component of the program.
- Located at CCVS, 437 Sydney Street, Cornwall.
For more information about our Day Treatment program, contact Chris Villeneuve [email protected] 613-933-6362 x110
Intersections Program
- Initiated November 1, 2014 in SD&G. Initiated in Prescott-Russell in October, 2016.
- Intersections is a voluntary early intervention program for young people between 8 and 17 (SD&G) and 5 and 17 (Prescott-Russell).
- The program provides for system navigation and coordination of services for young people with suspected mental health, developmental disabilities and/or substance use issues in order to facilitate interventions and reduce involvement with police services.
- Collaborative initiative with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), Cornwall City Police, OPP detachments in SD&G & Prescott-Russell and Jeunes de St-Camille.
- Referrals are from police services in their role as first responders to non-criminal circumstances, and from the CAS.
- The Intersections Worker provides support to referred young people and their families utilizing a strength based, goal orientated approach.
For more information about our ISP programs contact:
SD&G : Kelsey Benoit [email protected] 613-933-6362 x109
Prescott-Russell: Zachery Maloney [email protected] 613-933-6362 x113
Extra Judicial Measures
- Initiated in April 2008.
- Extrajudicial Measures (EJM) program is a voluntary pre-charge diversion process providing community-based interventions outside of formal judicial proceedings.
- The program holds the young person accountable for their actions by requiring the young person to make reparation for the harm done while providing/coordinating appropriate supportive programs and services based on the needs of the young person.
- Referrals for EJM are through police services.
For more information about EJM contact Ryan Amelotte [email protected] 613-933-6362 x106
Extra Judicial Sanctions
- Initiated in September 2011.
- Extrajudicial Sanctions (EJS) is a voluntary post-charge diversion process providing community-based interventions outside of formal judicial proceedings.
- Referrals are at the discretion of the Crown Attorney following the laying of a formal criminal charge.
- The program holds the young person accountable for their actions by requiring the young person to make reparation for the harm done while providing/coordinating appropriate supports and services to the young person.
- Successful participation in the program can prompt the Crown to stay the charge and forego further formal proceedings.
For more information about EJS contact Ryan Amelotte [email protected] 613-933-6362 x106
Youth Justice Committee Program
- Initiated in 1999.
- Restorative Justice program operated by Regroupement des Jeunes de St-Camille Inc. through a contractual arrangement with the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario.
- Referrals come from the Extra Judicial Measures Program (pre-charge) and the Extra Judicial Sanctions Program (post-charge)
- The program utilizes trained citizen volunteers representing the community and victims in negotiating an agreement with the young person and their parents. The agreement requires the young person to accept responsibility for their actions and to complete specific sanctions in order to make amends.
For more information about YJC contact Ryan Amelotte [email protected] 613-933-6362 x106
Direct Accountability Program (Adult Diversion)
- Initiated in March 2011.
- The Direct Accountability Program (DAP) is an alternative to prosecution for eligible individuals who have been charged with minor criminal offences. The program involves accused persons being held accountable through community-based sanctions.
- Cases referred to DAP can be resolved as quickly as the same day, but some cases may require an adjournment for a period of time for participants to fulfill the terms of their sanction. Sanctions should be completed within 90 days.
- It allows for the efficient resolution of some minor court matters.
- Reduces the amount of time victims and witnesses may have to spend in court.
- Recognizes that community-based sanctions can be an effective way of holding some individuals accountable for some minor offences.
- Holds people accountable for their actions, while ensuring they also make amends for the harm caused.
- The Community Justice Worker’s assessment of the individual will include determining the person’s willingness to accept responsibility for the offence, and their suitability and motivation to make reparation through assigned sanctions.
- The Community Justice Worker will discuss the sanction to be imposed with the participant, and a time limit will be set for the completion of the agreed upon sanction. Some of the sanctions available through DAP include:
- Restitution
- A Letter of Apology
- Community Service Work
- Charitable donation
- Attending a MAG Funded program
- Community based counselling Services
- Being eligible to participate in the program does not mean a person is “getting off easy”. It does mean, however, that by successfully completing the sanction imposed, individuals can be held accountable for their behaviour and have the charge(s) withdrawn or stayed (in some locations) by the courts.
For more information about DAP contact Ryan Amelotte [email protected] 613-933-6362 x106
Standard Teen Triple P Practitioners (Positive Parenting Program)
- Initiated June 2012.
- Qualified staff are trained to deliver a focused parenting support intervention to parents with teenagers.
- Standard Teen Triple P is suitable for parents with concerns about their teenager’s behaviour, or who wish to learn a variety of parenting skills that will promote their teenager’s positive development.
- Standard Triple P is designed as a ten-session intervention with each session taking approximately 1 hour.
- The intervention involves a thorough assessment of parent/teen interaction, the application of parenting skills to a broad range of target behaviours and the use of generalization enhancement strategies to promote parental autonomy.
Enhanced Education Program
- Enhanced Educational programming is currently available through Diversion only.
For more information about our Enhanced Education Program contact Kelly O’Farrell [email protected] 613-933-6362 x114